Pope Francis says that it has been laid on his heart to warn the people of an “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem” that is fast approaching because the Church’s “blind faith” is preventing progress.
It’s a bit tough to understand how having complete faith in God could be holding back the work of the Lord or the progress of the Church. But, we’re not the Pope, and maybe he is privy to spiritual enlightenments regarding the Lord’s agenda that we’ve yet to understand. Or maybe not.
Perhaps it’s like his statement that all “religions worship the same God” or that having a “personal relationship with Jesus is “harmful and dangerous”.
You have to read his entire statements in context to try and figure out what he is really trying to say. Although some are saying Pope Francis’s remarks couldn’t be clearer, they just don’t really seem like something a man of God would say.
But then again other folks are saying that it’s time for a change and that devout Catholics are just upset Pope Francis called them a “serious illness destroying the church”.
You can read Pope Francis own words about this approaching evil that will destroy the earth if Christians continue to hold on to their “blind faith” on the next page.
This Pope is a poor representative for the Catholic Church. He definitely needs to be replaced with one who will follow the teaching of the Catholic faith.
I hope he falls from the window!!!!
Always wonder why Pope Benedict left so abruptly. He knows Francis is preaching against church doctrine and is a heretic.
Pope isn’t a true religious man any more!
WE have a global authority,,,,His name is Jesus Christ..Now that we got that matter settled, get your happy butt off the soap box. The only reason your being an$#%&!@*wipe, is because if you don’t, your life will be EXCOMMUNICATED in an earthly meaning..It must be tough to live in fear of the muslim beheadings, taking down the church, loosing your friggen job. So you better get with THEIR program…Your grand popyness, you have betrayed The Lord God. I ask you, when was the last time you went upon the cochroaches, and told them of Loving they Neighbor?, or murder is against God?. When was the last time you preached peace TO THEM?…i DIDN’T THINK SO..
Satin speaks through his highest false profit, let us guess, and the one global power would be,???? Oh yea,!! His biggest supporters, islam..
This woman’s intuition says : this Pope is wrong on all levels –
Get this clown out!!!!
The church is done!!!
Total dunce. And obviously has not studied world history.