Pope Francis has been true to his word when it comes to seeking to learn from other faiths. He is establishing a new path to canonization as a saint, in addition to the “three previously recognized ways to sainthood”.
In a new letter carrying the Latin title of Maiorem hac Dilectionem, Pope Francis explains to his ever-dwindling flock that the Lord has shown him a new revelation as a reward for his open-mindedness and compassion towards the world.
This new inspiration draws heavily on Islamic teachings and being heralded by many of Pope Francis’s supporters as being a true testament to the vision they have for the church, and the love of God.
Read this letter for yourself on the next page,
Hey, P**p Francis! America’s Christianity will not cave or buckle to your nonsense! Go to hell!
He is Satan in a white robe! My God can’t anyone see it!
Hey Donald Love ya
I can’t believe Catholics didn’t leave the church when all those priest were found guilty of molesting all those young boys and they know it but still stay in a church that is in the worst sin imaginable!
Not a good thing!
pope sold his soul to the globalists, no reason to pay attention to him or support the catholic church or any affiliation period..
Why the fk is he still pope worthless jack ass
Don’t listen any more. This guy is a demon
#not my pope