Pope Francis has been true to his word when it comes to seeking to learn from other faiths. He is establishing a new path to canonization as a saint, in addition to the “three previously recognized ways to sainthood”.
In a new letter carrying the Latin title of Maiorem hac Dilectionem, Pope Francis explains to his ever-dwindling flock that the Lord has shown him a new revelation as a reward for his open-mindedness and compassion towards the world.
This new inspiration draws heavily on Islamic teachings and being heralded by many of Pope Francis’s supporters as being a true testament to the vision they have for the church, and the love of God.
Read this letter for yourself on the next page,
I don’t care what religion you practice, that’s for you to decide Don’t try condemning my religion or the people in my faith community. Let your religion stand on its own and I’ll let mine stand on its own.
F**e Pope
Pope Francis is a Globalist, the Catholics deserve better than this man for representation. He is just a man people and is no closer to God that we are, there does’t need to be a middle man for you to communicate with God.
The Pope that just keeps on giving and giving evidence that he himself does not know the simple truth in the word that he professes to represent. If he would just stick to the plain common sense reading of passages he might actually learn that there is only “ONE” path or gate to sainthood, at least as Jesus declared. Mat 7:14 Because strait [is] THE gate, and narrow [is] THE way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find “IT”. The four paths that he preaches must come under the “wide and broad gate or path” described in verse 13. Jesus went on to say that “few” will find “IT” Again singular not plural. So, it would seem that all true believers must be seeking only “ONE” path not multiple paths. “When the plain sense of scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense unless you end up with nonsense”.
Definitely the devil’s advocate!!!
The Islamic pope has issued perhaps the worst of the proclamations he has made. I continue to believe this man is a plant by globalists.
Satan’s helper
Why doesn’t he just convert to Islam already? We can get the ball rolling for a new Pope.
This man is awful!!
I think I have to block this Antichrist