Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is not afraid of Soros, the socialist global elite, or the powers that be that forced him out of the church.
Many have speculated about the unusual circumstances that led to his stepping down and long awaited his real sentiments regarding the clear corruption in the church at the hands of Pope Francis.
And he has delivered. Hallelujah.
He came out bold and strong about the wolves masquerading as sheep and devouring the Church of God while defaming those who still believe in the authority and power of the one true God. Let us not forget that it was his successor, Pope Francis, who 1st started using his position within the Vatican to preach that unlike what every true believer can see with their own two eyes in the scriptures,“Jesus failed on the cross”, and that “all religions worship the same God”.
Although too ill to attend himself, he wrote a powerful letter that he had delivered in writing and read aloud by his personal secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein in the Cologne Cathedral at the funeral Mass of his dear friend, Cardinal Joachim Meisner on Saturday.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI perhaps final message to the Church regarding all of these changes and his departure, all on the next page
I’m not catholic but I am glad to see that someone in a leadership role of this powerful and world wide group sees the light and speaks out about what is happening in this world today. Seems to say Francis is a global elite pawn who has been implanted to further the agenda of the world wide/globalist government proponents. The church really needs to get rid of him.
Didn’t Martin Luther refer to the Pope as the antichrist along w/posting the 95 theses on the door making serious allegations of corruption against the RCC?
You Pope are the problem. You are evil.
Mildred Logue Idolatry thats is what you practice and do not even now it, ,salm 115 Exodos 20 :1-5 ,1Corintios 10: 19-20 ,Romans 1 :21 And the principal reason is God don’t share His glory and you are not to do his image
There are always exceptions. The Christian god I know will take prayers whether they reach him directly or via a go-between. The real deal Christian tries not to judge and places more importance on the good acts of people rather than how they offer up their prayers.
Debora Brown I now that story dont mean it’s true read your Holy Bible it say , Jesus say what ever you ask my Father in My name (in the name of Jesus Christ Amen) ,
Wrong . He is a part of World Government take over and needs to be kicked out!
Benedict is right, this pope is very socialist and to involved in politics. Pope Francis has gone against church teaching mutiple times. He is a hertic. I am Cathlic and ashamed of this pope and his activities.
Actually I was raised Catholic. And yes Catholics to pray two Saints, and worship the Pope. Which is totally against the Bible.
Some of the priests do not molest children of either gender. They live according to Christ’s teachings. They keep the vows of chastity, obedience and poverty.Unfortunate, they are all painted with the same brush.