Pope Francis has proven to be more controversial than many had expected, and there is a more conservative wing of the Catholic church that is increasingly unhappy with his positions on a variety of topics that seem to contradict traditional church teachings. One of the latest examples is his blessing of cutting edge research that mixes human cells into animal bodies.
Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte is a prominent stem-cell biologist who is attempting to grow human tissue inside farm animals such as pigs, sheep, and cows. In this research, scientists inject human stem cells into animal embryos and then try to grow the mixtures inside surrogate animals.
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Wow, in the last days it will be like the days of Noah, this is the stuff that the fallen angles did creating “monsters” corrupting the genome and this moronic false prophet is embracing it?
False Equivalency maybe.
The pope is the false Christ.the.christ by UNCTION but.he is not the anti Christ. He is the false.spostle the Peter in OFFICE.but the false prophet. Was MOHAMAD .. and the anti Christ is an spirit..who..wsnts to.be worshiped as GOD and calls itself the Alah…the human manifestation of the anti Christ will be the one who fabricated an peace deal.beyeeen Israel and the arabs
If I am wrong forgive me ,but I have my droughts as to weather this man even knows God
He sickens me.
No pope
Half wit
Forcing God to bring forth His wrath.