Pope Awards Medals to George Clooney, Salma Hayek, Richard Gere…for Some Reason

It wasn’t clear from reports what the celebrities had actually done to merit the medals, although George Clooney is well known as a liberal activist and successful fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, with attendees paying as much as $353,400 per person at a recent event held at the actor’s home.

In recent months Clooney has come under attack for criticizing Europe for not taking in more Syrian refugees, while insisting on absolute isolation in his $100 million palatial estate on Lake Cuomo.

Conservative commentator Alex Jones recently laid into Clooney as “one of the biggest fake, liberal, con-men of all time” for his visceral attacks on Donald Trump, fawning support of Hillary Clinton, and hypocrisy for scolding the West for not taking in more Syrian refugees while not lifting a finger to help.

In his critique, Jones includes a video from Paul Joseph Watson with more than 5 million views, which further excoriates the actor for his alleged double standards and moral self-righteousness. The critique notes that the actor owns five mansions, three of which are in Europe, and that he just bought another in Britain for 10 million pounds sterling. He further noted that the villa has eight empty bedrooms, and yet the actor isn’t exactly taking in migrants.

Pope Francis recently criticized Western Europe and the West for not being willing to take in more Muslim refugees. He seems unwilling to recognize that Islam was and is at war with the West, which can broadly be described as Christianity, Judaism, and western culture. The flood of refugees into the west is in the millions, but the Vatican remains closed to most, if not all Muslims who enter demanding shelter, food, and employment. Francis has no moral authority to preach to the West if his actions are not in accord with his words. Giving awards and hobnobbing with Hollywood movie stars does not qualify him for humanitarian citizen of the year.

And the Pope’s honoree, George Clooney, is equally pretentious in calling for action to help the poor Muslim immigrants. He could well be raising money for the poor who he demands we take in, though not to his house or his neighborhood, rather he is throwing a fundraiser for criminal Hillary Clinton to the tune of $353,000 per couple and then decrying the affect money has on politics.

Why these hypocrites, including Pope Francis and George Clooney, do not see how preposterous their positions are is beyond understanding. The video below certainly is a great example of how off-base these self-important Lefties have become.

Source: breitbart.com

Photo: HauteLiving




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