It is interesting that the current Vicar of Christ doesn’t mention that fellow much.
In the first line of his address, the Pope identified himself as “the son of an immigrant family,” happy to be a guest in this country, “which was largely built by such families,” but went no further into the embattled question of immigration. Good thing, since he is only partially correct on both assertions. More on the papal missteps on the next page:
Angel what do you think about God?
I think he exists. But the bible has been rewritten so much that it’s hard to tell what’s accurate anymore. Many times it was rewritten to serve political agendas of kings taxes and emperors. It was also rewritten because it wasn’t some of it was not directly able to be translated to other languages efficiently. Also, much of history was rewritten for the same to serve an agenda. the story of Helen finding the true cross is a good example and the church of the Holy Replica, both of which are not in the correct place historically. The St. James bible is the most printed and bought book of all time, that i a revenue stream of a version of the bible that is different from original scriptures.
Don’t you think that is not going to permit things in the Bible to be change because we need salvation.the last page in the Bible says that whoever change add or take from the Bible will pay the consequences. I believe in God and in his Word100%.
But that’s what i mean, if a “reign” uses the bible to control the masses by having it written in their favor, then they are just words. For example, “tithing” was used for governors, kings, and emperors as a method of revenue. We know that from history and is just one clear example of where man Meddled in the writing of the bible, Torah, Qu’ran; The “Big 3” that came from Abraham and worship the exact same God. We know that didn’t come from God himself, it was man-made.
Angel to me God is a spirit his word are spirit and live and I am a spirit.and I am not religious ,I have a spiritual relationship with him. I know where am going when I die it’s a promise from God .its in the can you believe in God and not on what he says it don’t makes any cense
The bible is written by Fallible men in hard times of persecution centuries later than the times of Christ in many cases. Some stories in the bible are historical, like the Flood, but most of it is not and cannot be proven. There is still no archaeological/historical evidence that Jesus even existed for example. That’s where faith comes in.
So transparen
Angel in the Old Testament the Bible was in scrolls and the new was written by the apostles. We don’t know history on less somebody wrote it same with the Bible.. The whole Bible is the word of faith we were not their but we believe it. I would rather believe that their is a God and that he love me and that he will give me eternal live . Than don’t believe and just wait to die and see what happens.
liberal thinkers. not.
And how????