If there’s one common thread weaving through society in modern-day America, it’s that we all feel discriminated against.
According to a study conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health, all ethnic groups feel discriminated against, including white Americans.
For years we’ve been told this doesn’t exist. It was impossible for white people to feel discriminated against. We had privilege, our ‘invisible knapsack’.
How can blue collar white people be discriminated against if the majority of our government is run by corporate establishment shrills who happen to be white?
To liberals, it is as though our corrupt government watches out for white people while their same economic policies “harm” people of minorities.
One of the main questions often posed on the subject of white discrimination (by angry liberals I might add) is what is the proof?
Continue to the next page to view the statistics from this study and the testimonies describing white discrimination in America.
I never have , I have always got along with them and have a friend who is black and I don’t know of a better man
I recently was. If it wasnt race it was age. Most likely both.
Well, there you go, problem is soled. Everybody is being discrimated against, so we’re all equal. Right?????
I have never fought Indians , I have never owned Slaves , my parents were born here and their parents came here Legally . But every time I turn around I Owe the Indians or the Blacks and any Illegals that can get their hands on the tax money that I have paid ! Yes I feel discrimination Against me and my Family
Thank the no good fucking liberal s for that
SPOT ON Kathleen!
I’m a white male, 67 years old… I’ve never felt discriminated against, I KNOW that any man, any woman who won’t be stopped can’t be stopped, regardless of skin color. And that’s why I HATE ?entitlements?, taking a person’s desires, hopes and aspirations… slavery does exist in America and the democrats run the plantations !
not exactly what the poll said but, very true. The notion that a white person cannot be discriminated against is foolishness.
SPOT ON Joseph!!
SPOT ON Lisa!!!