If a new poll is to be believed, Donald Trump has earned the support of one of the most coveted voting demographics.
After surveying 931 members of the armed forces, researchers found that out of all the candidates running for president in both parties, Trump was the preferred choice for the majority of them. A solid 27% of the survey’s respondents said he was their favorite candidate, with his closest rival being socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders who came in at 22%.
More specifically, Trump enjoyed high levels of support from the Army and Marines, both of which saw 30% of respondents listing him as their choice. Although he wasn’t the preferred choice of respondents in the Air Force or Navy, he still had significant levels of support, with the branches having 23.58% and 22.35% of their members favoring him respectively.
The numbers are a major boon to Trump, who has been hounded by critics for his relative lack of foreign experience. Earning such impressive levels of support from servicemen will undoubtedly help him mute such attacks.
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Although Trump may lack traditional foreign policy credentials, the men and women of the military seem to think that he has a strong grasp on the subject and can be counted on to look out for the country’s best interests. Gaining the support of such an esteemed group alone is a worthy accomplishment for anyone seeking the presidency:
“The data seems to indicate that the GOP national security establishment’s attempt to discredit Trump’s foreign policy credibility has failed — at least as far as servicemembers are concerned.
Trump’s hardline stances on national security issues appear to have attracted dedicated support from members of the military, though several military officials have complained about his aggressive statements on torture and the killing of terrorists’ families, which Trump had to walk back.
Officers surveyed still favor Trump, albeit by a smaller margin than regular enlisted troops. Officers ranked Trump first with 21 percent support and Cruz second with 18 percent.
And even though Sanders has also been perceived as weak on foreign policy, that fact hasn’t hurt his polling numbers among servicemembers.
Despite Sen. Marco Rubio’s attempts to prioritize foreign policy in his platform and despite the Republican national security establishment essentially throwing all of its might behind his campaign, he ranks second to last in the survey.”
Source: Daily Caller
Josh Strigle, you’re doing quite well with the crayons…pretty much staying in the lines. Good for you little buddy! Here’s some friendly advice for you…save your breath on this topic so you can blow up your next date. Josh, it can be lonely for people like you. I mean, I’m sure Jesus still loves you cause he’s got to but i wouldn’t count on the rest of those who have met you. You know, in some small way I’m actually jealous of those who HAVEN’T met you. How good that mist fee. I can’t personally say that anything you said may any difference to me. Guess i just can’t fully understand stupid b******t. You have a definite gift for that. Yea You!! I am thankful for trading comments with you and i want you to know i mean that. There are some remarkably dumb people out there and I’m thankful for meeting what i consider one of the very best. Apprecoate you son- well done. As i leave you in my rearview mirror, and while i know it’s hard to believe, you will get smaller, i do have a final question for you. — Do people like you ever die from constipation cause I’ve never met someone so full of their own$#%&!@* On a side note son, i do occasionally sit and ponder life and listen to good music. Generally, i do that when i get up at 2am, climb a mountain and wait for the sun to come up over the summit…..course I’m not a$#%&!@*like you. Trump 2016.. Not for swinging pussies.
Jamie Callahan What is it with you Trump fans and your childish attacks. First of all, I’m a full-time college student and I don’t have to work at the moment thanks to my GI Bill. Second, this picture was taken over the weekend on Sunday when most people don’t work anyway. Please continue to publicly embarrass yourself.
I cannot believe you’ve been in the service (if you have) and are voting for that conscientious objector Sanders. This guy is so anti military while Trump is at least pro vet. Why is it that you call us childish while you’re posting your satirical little cartoons about Trump. You’re just a snotty nosed kid who needs to get away from your swing and the basement! And when you ever do join the real world and get a job and start paying taxes you will realize how silly you were when you voted for the socialist who’s gonna take a lot of your income to give away to other people like you are now. ‘Nuff said!
If a new poll is to be believed, Donald Trump has earned the support of one of the most coveted voting demographics.
After surveying 931 members of the armed forces, researchers found that out of all the candidates running for president in both parties, Trump was the preferred choice for the majority of them. A solid 27% of the survey’s respondents said he was their favorite candidate, with his closest rival being socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders who came in at 22%.
Jamie Callahan Who cares? Donald Trump likely dodged the draft as well by having one of his family doctors give him a write-up for his BS medical condition. The fact that Bernie Sanders didn’t want to go to war only shows that he wasn’t an idiot. His conscientious objector request was rejected and by then he was too old to go into the draft.
Bernie Sanders has done more for veterans than any of the other candidates per John McCain. Many veterans support Bernie Sanders (2nd most popular candidate among vets). Go here to educate yourself.
If I’m a snot-nosed kid then you’re a cranky old man that is attacking me only because you don’t have anyone on your lawn to yell at.
You’re right. Socialism is bad. We should kill all socialist programs. We can start by ending medicare, medicaid, and social security. Those are all socialist programs. We can stop paying our police, firefighters, and military – all socialist. We can stop funding education so people will be forced to pay for their kids to go to a private school. We can stop giving businesses and farmers subsidies. We can stop building/repairing roads, highways, bridges, and parks. The government can stop giving student loans so only 30% of students will be able to afford going to public universities, but wait! Now those universities cost twice as much because the states aren’t funding them so less than that 30% will be able to go to school. No money to to help prevent childhood hunger and a massive increase in poor people. The government is a major source of jobs so those jobs aren’t available anymore – nobody to take care of the city sewer systems or water supply. This is your super awesome Socialist free country!
The fact of the matter is that health care is a basic human right. The fact of the matter is that when a bachelor’s degree is the equivalent of a high school degree 50 years ago, we need to pay for the extra 4 years of schooling. This improves our economy. It’s an investment in human capital.
Josh Strigle talking about intellectual. You post a meme stating about ID badges trying to show the similarity to the Jewish star Jews wore during their time in prison camps. What’s funny about that is it wasn’t$#%&!@*s idea at all but Zionist Jews came up with the idea so it would pressure Jews to migrate out of Europe to Palestine. You are so intellectual but parade propaganda around as truth.
Looks like you with blue hair
Sergio Leone$#%&!@*didn’t think up the idea, but only Jews in certain places in Germany wore them. The Reich made it mandatory that Jews in any Germany controlled land had to wear them. Way to give half the history on the subject.
Sergio Leone The Unoted States is less Socialist than it was in the past century lol
Josh,you’re just a spoiled little youngster who is being bottle fed a bunch of garbage by socialist propaganda. You’re right I am a lot older than you but I’ve earned my right to voice my opinion ,have you. I’m not going to waste my time reading some left wing liberal trash written by who knows who that young dudes like you say are facts. Who says. I served time in the real army during the Vietnam War. I didn’t see any combat because I was lucky enough to g o to Thailand instead of ‘Nam I worked 38 years with AT&T paying taxes the whole time. I put 3 kids through college paid for by myself. Now ,that being said. What the hell gives you the right to begin to know what the hell you are even talking about. You’ve never paid into the system along with Colonel Sanders so you don’t really have any idea . Medicare and social security are not socialist programs you twerp. People pay for them through taxes which were supposed to be put into a trust for people like me to retire after I paid into the system for over 40 years. If you didn’t you’re not supposed to receive benefits. Bernie is proposing the exact opposite. You get everything free which will be paid for by the working people and businesses in our country. You wait,when you start paying taxes and you see 50 to 75% of your income go up in smoke paying for youngsters like yourself you will most definitely have a change of heart. You just don’t know yet because you’ve probably never ever had a job in your spoiled life . It’s dark now so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get back on your swing. And by the way,I don’t have to holler too loud for children like yourself, you wouldn’t listen anyway!