If a new poll is to be believed, Donald Trump has earned the support of one of the most coveted voting demographics.
After surveying 931 members of the armed forces, researchers found that out of all the candidates running for president in both parties, Trump was the preferred choice for the majority of them. A solid 27% of the survey’s respondents said he was their favorite candidate, with his closest rival being socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders who came in at 22%.
More specifically, Trump enjoyed high levels of support from the Army and Marines, both of which saw 30% of respondents listing him as their choice. Although he wasn’t the preferred choice of respondents in the Air Force or Navy, he still had significant levels of support, with the branches having 23.58% and 22.35% of their members favoring him respectively.
The numbers are a major boon to Trump, who has been hounded by critics for his relative lack of foreign experience. Earning such impressive levels of support from servicemen will undoubtedly help him mute such attacks.
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Although Trump may lack traditional foreign policy credentials, the men and women of the military seem to think that he has a strong grasp on the subject and can be counted on to look out for the country’s best interests. Gaining the support of such an esteemed group alone is a worthy accomplishment for anyone seeking the presidency:
“The data seems to indicate that the GOP national security establishment’s attempt to discredit Trump’s foreign policy credibility has failed — at least as far as servicemembers are concerned.
Trump’s hardline stances on national security issues appear to have attracted dedicated support from members of the military, though several military officials have complained about his aggressive statements on torture and the killing of terrorists’ families, which Trump had to walk back.
Officers surveyed still favor Trump, albeit by a smaller margin than regular enlisted troops. Officers ranked Trump first with 21 percent support and Cruz second with 18 percent.
And even though Sanders has also been perceived as weak on foreign policy, that fact hasn’t hurt his polling numbers among servicemembers.
Despite Sen. Marco Rubio’s attempts to prioritize foreign policy in his platform and despite the Republican national security establishment essentially throwing all of its might behind his campaign, he ranks second to last in the survey.”
Source: Daily Caller
If you study the methodology of this poll, it was highly flawed. It was not a scientific poll, and it was conducted only among readers of a specific publication who CHOSE to vote in the poll, and could vote as often as they want. In short, this article starts off by saying, “If this poll is to be believed.” It is not to be believed. Even if it were, saying that 27% constitutes “support” is actually backwards. More accurately, this poll says that 83% of the military does not want Trump as Commander in Chief. You could use the exact same data from the exact same poll and write a more accurate headline, “Overwhelming Majority of Military Does Not Support Trump, according to this random Internet poll.”
If you study the methodology of this poll, it was highly flawed. It was not a scientific poll, and it was conducted only among readers of a specific publication who CHOSE to vote in the poll, and could vote as often as they want. In short, this article starts off by saying, “If this poll is to be believed.” It is not to be believed. Even if it were, saying that 27% constitutes “support” is actually backwards. More accurately, this poll says that 83% of the military does not want Trump as Commander in Chief. You could use the exact same data from the exact same poll and write a more accurate headline, “Overwhelming Majority of Military Does Not Support Trump, according to this random Internet poll.”
Josh Strigle- step away from the keyboard…..it’s really best you go out and play now before the street lights come on..maybe get an ice cream. We don’t care if you lick windows or do things with farm animals. It’s just time for grown ups to talk now so scurry along. Here’s a cartoon for ya…enjoy…nite!
Not too sure who they polled. I call b******t.
Tony Johnston Sorry I made you look so bad. Maybe the internet just isn’t your thing.
What point are you trying to prove. I don’t support Trump.
It’s ok Josh Strigle! I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and *C**P* a more coherent argument than you are capable of giving. Another cartoon for ya. Do you like to color? Can ya stay in the lines? Good for you! Keep it going you little cupcake you.
And you continue to embarrass yourself
This is awful… say what you want about trump, but at least he’s not a closet communist. The fact that anyone seriously considers voting for bernie is absurd. Do you know how basic economics works? So, he’s gonna raise taxes right? What happens when there inevitably isn’t enough money for all his “free” stuff? He’s gonna tank an already weak economy. And let’s not talk about what he’s going to do for veterans. I think he’s done quite enough with his massive failure as chairman of veteran affairs. Or did you forget that many of those people died waiting for care? But let me guess…. not his fault? That man is a liar. All politicians are to some degree, but he’s a snake in the grass
No, vets need someone like bernie who FAILED at his job of chairman for veterans affairs.. really?