“…under our Constitution, I cannot run again. (Laughter and applause.) I can’t run again. I actually think I’m a pretty good President — I think if I ran I could win. (Laughter and applause.) But I can’t.”
No, he isn’t going to run again. No, he wouldn’t win if he could run again.
See the next page to find why.
So you create a f**e news story that Obama is going to attempt a 3rd term, get everyone upset…THEN you create another f**e news story to tell everyone its not going to happen. It literally is amazing what the fans of this page will believe….
This Iran deal he’s pushing is most likely gonna start it.
Thank god he can’t run again
What is wrong with these people that would vote for him, there sick as he is.
He is NOT the Anti-Christ! You must not know the Bible like you think you do!
Are you kidding, we can’t wait til this term is over!
That is the agenda these debates are hollywood rating hypes for the networks an to appeas the American people to think they still have a say in the election NOT these Eliets an muslims in power Soros will put therr puppet in place belive it this is the END OF TIMES an prophecies can not be altered
I’ll help you pack
he knows too much even if he isn’t president!!!