“…under our Constitution, I cannot run again. (Laughter and applause.) I can’t run again. I actually think I’m a pretty good President — I think if I ran I could win. (Laughter and applause.) But I can’t.”
No, he isn’t going to run again. No, he wouldn’t win if he could run again.
See the next page to find why.
What a lier
Not going to happen
thank you Oh Lord
His third term would NOT come from a VOTE! It would come from an executive order of martial law!
Oh hell he’s getting out of America before the war begins, he’s all ready taken your freedom, his Muslims are atacking, Marines and their family’s, but the Muslims are protected so you can’t fight back
It is time we put the Red, White, and Blue back in the White House.
Get obama out of there
Fall of the U.S. Economy creates civil unrest then martial law keeps him in office.
Good by Obummer!
Idiot…maybe he thinks he’s been a pretty good president…. But he lives in his own little world…the majority of Americans are counting the minutes till the a**hole is out of the WH….jerk.