“…under our Constitution, I cannot run again. (Laughter and applause.) I can’t run again. I actually think I’m a pretty good President — I think if I ran I could win. (Laughter and applause.) But I can’t.”
No, he isn’t going to run again. No, he wouldn’t win if he could run again.
See the next page to find why.
Then there would be a revolutionary war!
enough of this, he is delusional
Obama is muslim.
bye bye ///////bird
Thank GOD. Now send him back to his camel
Praise God.
yea u have body guards we have to carry self protection with us…….u r so smart??????????
You are a socialist and are in the wrong country. This is a country of strong faith and laws. Supporting the minority groups over the majority will come to an end when you pack your bags.
One flush away from destruction.
Without him is no loss