“…under our Constitution, I cannot run again. (Laughter and applause.) I can’t run again. I actually think I’m a pretty good President — I think if I ran I could win. (Laughter and applause.) But I can’t.”
No, he isn’t going to run again. No, he wouldn’t win if he could run again.
See the next page to find why.
I still think he’ll run again or maybe even declare himself King
Haha you sorry sob
his term should be 25 to life!!!!!!!!!!!
Scary !!
mr obama big boss just world…
Thank god I’ve been losing sleep over this nightmare
I like yuor name for O’dip$#%&!@* !!
I also feel that way Mark…only way he could stay in control…and he has been setting it up
He’s fueling the racial flames, Marshall Law is coming!
Really? Do you trust anything he does or says?