“…under our Constitution, I cannot run again. (Laughter and applause.) I can’t run again. I actually think I’m a pretty good President — I think if I ran I could win. (Laughter and applause.) But I can’t.”
No, he isn’t going to run again. No, he wouldn’t win if he could run again.
See the next page to find why.
Can’t run again anyway. You are done idiot
It makes me sad to hear a lost soul speak out against a Christian. Daniel Fredrick seems YOU are the one who is confused and not reading their Bible. It is all spelled out. Before you make an ignorant comment you should search for wisdom first. Yes He most certainly is the antichrist. If you do not agree then why take the time to visit my post? That in itself seems evil. I speak peace against your tormented mind.
Only in that morons head
sounds good to me!
America is not safe with Obama in charge
i keep hearing that obama is really sick……any hope it is true?
I wouldn’t put it p$#%&!@* him to abolish 22 amendment. Why would he set Hillary up with e mails ? Republicans won’t stop him!
praise the lord
I would like to know why blacks call them selves “African Americans” here, but they don’t call them selves “African British” or “African French” but they live in England, and France! I think that may be racist!
only a rope i hope