A new poll from the Economist/YouGov.com indicates more than seven in 10 Americans who voted to re-elect President Obama for a second term now regret their choice in 2012. Even if you only consider the Democrats among his re-election supporters, 55 percent wish they hadn’t chosen to elect Barack Obama again.
The poll asked those who voted for Obama’s reelection the question: “Do you regret voting for Barack Obama?”
Given a chance to do it all over again, only 79 percent of those who voted for Obama would vote for him again and 71 percent of his voters, now inclined to vote for somebody else, “regret” their vote to reelect him, according to a new poll.
“Those who reported voting for Barack Obama in 2012 but would vote for someone else if the election were held again” from “those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012.”
The poll also found that Obama would lose enough votes in a rematch with his Republican rival in 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney that the Republican would win.
“90 percent of people who voted for Romney would do it again, compared to only 79 percent of Obama voters who would,” the poll said.
In this case, hindsight may not be 20/20, but it is certainly clear that many of Obama’s voters now realize they made an error. It remains to be seen just how severe the consequences will be.
Source: PressTV
they must call for impeachment
I am sorry they elected him the first time somebody must have been licking his ass
thats ALL. did the other 29% get deported?
that 71% can still do something about that!
And this doesn’t even begin to cover the voting fraud involved in putting him in for a second term. Since when is it EVER been heard of that OVER 101 percent of voters in any district voted for only one candidate? 101%? There is no such thing! Dead people, illegals, dogs, cats, horses….since when did our voting system become so corrupt, and our citizenry so incompetent that OVER 101 % of voters vote for one candidate and NOT ONE vote was cast for the opposition? How about we go back to paper voting where EVERY vote is not only traceable, but the machine does not contain a hard drive, directly connected to the internet while voting, that is manipulated as we vote? EVERYTHING stinks in DC these days and lawlessness appears to be the new law under this Admin.
Wished these people who voted for him would’ve paid attention to the first term, maybe we wouldn’t be in the predicament we are in now. Thank you uninformed voters.
SAVE AMERICA, Obama THE TRATOR needs to be stopped right now! “Heil Obama”,“Heil Hillary R. Clinton!” “The Butchers of Benghazi and the CONSTITUTION should be in Jail !!!!!!!”
Well said my brother!
It should be 100%.
you should feel the same about the 1st term too! this man is evil and a cancer to america
He should have never been elected President the first time! All they had to do was listen to his false statements to begin with! I heard at the polls one woman state she was voting for him because he is so handsome! No real reason behind her political belief! That was pure dumb!