A new poll from the Economist/YouGov.com indicates more than seven in 10 Americans who voted to re-elect President Obama for a second term now regret their choice in 2012. Even if you only consider the Democrats among his re-election supporters, 55 percent wish they hadn’t chosen to elect Barack Obama again.
The poll asked those who voted for Obama’s reelection the question: “Do you regret voting for Barack Obama?”
Given a chance to do it all over again, only 79 percent of those who voted for Obama would vote for him again and 71 percent of his voters, now inclined to vote for somebody else, “regret” their vote to reelect him, according to a new poll.
“Those who reported voting for Barack Obama in 2012 but would vote for someone else if the election were held again” from “those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012.”
The poll also found that Obama would lose enough votes in a rematch with his Republican rival in 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney that the Republican would win.
“90 percent of people who voted for Romney would do it again, compared to only 79 percent of Obama voters who would,” the poll said.
In this case, hindsight may not be 20/20, but it is certainly clear that many of Obama’s voters now realize they made an error. It remains to be seen just how severe the consequences will be.
Source: PressTV
bull$#%&!@*…i doubt he had 40 percent…it was a fraud..fraught with intimidation.double and triple voting..rigged ballot machines…illegal aliens voting…..unless you are saying 71percent of the true votes, then okay….BULL$#%&!@*….plus bastard cannot prove he is a citizen of the USA..hang him…and his puppet masters
Compared to Romney, no, because $#%&!@* only gets worse every time we switch parties. Compared to, say, Mickey Mouse or None of The Above, yeah, I do.
bul$#%&!@*, bull$#%&!@*…
Maybe some of the American’s like me felt there was no one to vote for and didn’t vote. But that was a mistake too. I’ll be at the poles 2016.
If only……
What about all of those people voting multiple times and the stolen military absentee votes which were marked for obama and sent in?
Allegedly can’t prove he was *born* in the USA. Citizenship isn’t dependent on birthplace. If so, then McCain could not have run either. I went to grad school in Honolulu with folks who grew up with the guy, FFS. I even *did something harmless but illegal* on, what I later discovered was, his sister’s porch…(ah, college)
Now was he born in Kenya? I don’t doubt that. His father was Kenyan, and they seemed to visit regularly. I also don’t doubt he was born in Honolulu. On the one hand, being legally eligible for the presidency but born a US Citizen on foreign soil would probably rub enough xenophobes the wrong way to make a percentage point or two at least, so you can’t blame him for hiding *that*. On the other hand, being born in Honolulu but hounded over your birth certificate like no other past candidate, would disincline one to humor such hounding. I’d be pretty indignant about it, myself. My catchphrase would be, “You won’t hear *me* saying, ‘papers, please?’!”
Now, is he a good President? Of course not! We haven’t had one since the likes of Ike and JFK. The last decent one was Slick Willie, sorry to break it to y’all, at least until he got impeached over bull$#%&!@* for not catering to the MIC, after which point he just happened to get a lot more bomby, and our economy stopped growing as much.
I’m not sure if B.O. was too dumb to know what he was getting into when he made all his campaign promises, but I voted for him in ’08 mainly because I wanted to see if switching parties would make more than a superficial difference. It did not, so I voted Johnson ’12.
I’m not surprised by this statement…
Kinda late now dummycrats!. Can you say “Told you so”!