The issue of transgenderism has been put on the spotlight lately, especially with the news of Caitlyn Jenner. And, with this high profile attention, many transgender individuals are attempting to promote their life style and gain acceptance from society at large.
But, often, their attempts at acceptance usually end up being on the controversial side of things. Just last year an elementary school was using the term “purple penguins” instead of “boys and girls” as the term was more “inclusive” to any of the transgender third graders out there.
This trend of extreme political correctness is seen again at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, where school officials push for more “inclusive” terminology when it comes to students. According to the school’s vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion, gendered pronouns have to go, and more neutral sounding pronouns, like “xe” or “hir” should replace them.
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It iz out of control moron filthy liberals
What’s wrong with it?
“Go Vols!” …except in this case.
Just say “it”.
Shane Barton likes this.
time to separate school and state
Totally unconscionable!!!
Wtf you political correct fools have lost your minds. Step away from whatever it is your on and come back to reality. You are warping the system and it’s getting real silly.
Secular Religion Gate
Uncons$#%&!@*utional State Secular Religion of Morphed-Infidelism-Philosophy
Spreading from 1800 Government Universities, Colleges and 100,000’s Government Ins$#%&!@*utions
Published 2-26-2015 by John J. Nowak last edited 4/18/2015
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness–these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.” -George Washington – Farewell Speech, 1796-
Our nation is in chaos where we are on the brink of no return, adultery is rampant, 60,000,000 citizens have been slaughtered in abortion, sodomist are advancing to make-believe-marriages, as a result our liberties and rights are being eroded, our enemies afar are boasting, parading beheadings, our borders are being overrun, our second amendment rights are being taken away, and has broken out a purge, persecution of citizens who hold to the Judeo-Christian Principled Heritage of our government and our nation.
This is what happens when you give away trillions of tax dollars, the root of the problem for decades to 1800 Government universities, colleges and a monopoly so called primary educational/indoctrination system to indoctrinated m$#%&!@*es of young people into the Uncons$#%&!@*utional State Religion of morphed-Infidelism. They get all twisted and start attacking the Judeo-Christian heritage of the nation. Tearing down the morals of the nation. You’re not fighting solely a political group, you’re fighting your own tax dollars at work on the 1800 govt universities and college campuses across the nation that props up on a pedestal a State Secular Religion of Morphed-Infidelism.
All citizens who hold to the Judeo-Christian heritage of our government, nation and all candidates for public office must reconcile with one inevitable truth. The truth that all their efforts and individual state’s effort will only be a temporary stop gap that holds back moprhed-infidelism from advancing, religious liberties from being eroded in a purge and persecution of Christians. Due to trillions of tax dollars have been for decades and continue to program millions of young impressionable American citizens in the state religion of morphed Infidelism, where eventually the numbers of citizens programmed will overwhelm the system and its law making processes. The only answer is for an united large movement to cut the root of the problem in the trillions of tax dollars funding a State Secular Religion and breaking up the monopoly primary education/indoctrination system.
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