The sad thing about these protests is the fact that they’re happening due to his immigration and social policies, which really have very little to do with the greater good of the country. Police used pepper spray out of fear that if they didn’t, an actual riot would have broken out and resulted in casualties. You can watch it happen in the video below.
The rally in Cincinnati is due to take place on Sunday afternoon two days before Tuesday’s Ohio primary, in which the Republican frontrunner will seek to knock Ohio governor John Kasich from the presidential race. The heightened tensions were visible at a rally Trump spoke at in Vandalia, Ohio, on Saturday: at one point four secret service agents rushed onto the stage to prevent anyone from reaching him there.
Political leaders on both sides of the party divide, meanwhile, tried to dress wounds that were opened in Chicago. Hillary Clinton said “violence has no place in our politics”, and Republicans Kasich and Ted Cruz blamed Trump for the inflammatory rhetoric.
Friday’s Trump event saw myriad protesters, including students and people affiliated with the black lives matter movement, demonstrate against Trump’s policies on immigration and racially tinged comments.
The protest, which produced scuffles and arrests, including that of an Indian American CBS reporter who was charged with resisting arrest, came after days of escalating political rhetoric and violent incidents at Trump events.
Of course, everybody is blaming the violence on Trump. They’re obvious not seeing the violence being used by the demonstrators. Or they might just be turning a blind eye to it. That’s politics for you. Conservatives didn’t start fights when Obama was about to be elected. Think about that the next a liberal tries to convince you that they know what they’re talking about.
they do that with all thugs
wake up obama trying to kill everyone and blacks are next
How good did that mace taste? Stttupppidddd…..
Get the water hose out too. BernIe has a hand in this BS.
Rubber bullets would of been nice too