Muslims in Tampa Florida are receiving protection training from the police to help them to protect against ‘Islamophobic violence’.
The attacks in Paris and San Bernardino have emboldened some people to violently lash out at non-extremist mosques and Muslims, leaving many Muslims crying out in fear for the safety of their lives.
For every mosque that is attacked, another Muslim finds reason to join the extremists. The self-perpetuating cycle of violence-for-violence responses so typical of Middle Eastern politics has invaded America as much as the extremist ideologies have invaded American culture.
Find out more about the protection training these Florida Muslims are receiving on page 2.
Missed opportunity
I hope this is f**e
Muslims get butt hurt about words and get gun training but we get blown up and killed but get told to be tolerant.
Yeah, a peaceful religion, yeah right.
What the hell? Those 14th century savages are the ones raping and killing and then playing the victim.
Did Jews and Christian receiving same training.
There doing the attacking
dumb asses
Religion of peace. Sorry