Muslims in Tampa Florida are receiving protection training from the police to help them to protect against ‘Islamophobic violence’.
The attacks in Paris and San Bernardino have emboldened some people to violently lash out at non-extremist mosques and Muslims, leaving many Muslims crying out in fear for the safety of their lives.
For every mosque that is attacked, another Muslim finds reason to join the extremists. The self-perpetuating cycle of violence-for-violence responses so typical of Middle Eastern politics has invaded America as much as the extremist ideologies have invaded American culture.
Find out more about the protection training these Florida Muslims are receiving on page 2.
WTF can’t be true
They don’t need protection we do from them
OMG what is happening to our Country????
Give up our guns and Muslims will kill us period.
Hell no
I lived in Las Vegas in the 1990’s. We had a convenience store within within walking distance. It was run by a family who had fled Iran. They were very nice, adapted to American ways and didn’t wear burkhas, etc. They came to America to be Free, not to be terrorists. People like them R good citizens and the women helped run the business and their children were joyful and playful. They were nice individuals of heart and bravery. Not every person, race or religion is cruel or violent. The actions of the psychos ruin it for many decent hard-working Americans!! regardless of race, creed or color. .The fanatics do not represent most decent people and
I believe in my heart most people R good., we should not hassle them but fight the ones that are disturbed and dangerous. Not this little family who came here for hope and a better life. .
this guy with the gun is a muslim soooo
Well ya….?
Just stop with the crappola now!
Arming the invasion force ! Sounds about right for this$#%&!@*backwards , worthless corporate owned government.