The knockout game may be the cause of death in a brutal attack in the Lawncrest section of Philadelphia. The victim, Mardoquo Sincal Jochola was a 30-year-old, who had only lived in the United States for eight years. His attack was unprovoked.
Sadly, unlike the little old woman from Saint Louis, Gladis Bennett, who retaliated after becoming a victim of the knockout game, Jochola died in cold blood.
When 93-year-old Gladis Bennett of Saint Louis Missouri got attacked by players of the Knockout game (a game where punks punch random strangers in an effort to knock them out with one blow), they got more than they bargained for.
After being punched, knocked to the ground and kicked, Gladis reaches in her purse, pulls out a gun and shoots the main aggressor in the head, killing him.
The Knockout game has killed several people nationwide and is gaining in popularity.
Read about the Philadelphia attack on the following page.
These thugs have to be stopped.
This page is forever trying scare impressionable hard working class rual folk who have had limited interactions with people of color. LOL
Justice is what America needs! Respect for our Police Officers and Mayors that will stand behind their Police! Never going to get that in a City run by Democrats!
Guess what? There was a death locally to me attributed to people of color playing this so called game. It’s real.
Is this game being perpetrated by caucasians also?
Actually.. By a few young punks that happen to be of different races. Now.. Truth And Action have been reported by multiple journalist for not reporting real news. Along with other pages who propagate f**e news. And sometimes, they only tell you half truths, to keep you scared or enraged to further whatever agenda they have in mind. We have brothers and sisters of all races, who have served this country, who dont hate you, or want to see you punched in the face – who would step in if it happened to you. Are the perps of this knock out game, which it looks like some of these links are years old real ? Yes. But is this a game of JUST black youth? nope. Just do some research from an independent source that leans neither to the left nor the right bro. You can do this.
BLM thugs !!
How can anyone trust a race of people that make up only 13% of the population yet commit over 50% of the murders and over 50% of all violent crimes? I did the research. Source, DOJ!!!
why can’t you call it what it is? A hate crime! not a game when people loose thier lifes!