If this isn’t a sign of the times…a parent, William Baer, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct when he spoke out of turn at a school meeting May 6 this year. He filed a motion to have the 3 misdemeanor he’s facing for ‘disorderly conduct’ dismissed.
It happened at Gilford High School in Gilford, New Hampshire when Baer objected to a book that contains very explicit sexual content between teenagers, the man was obviously upset that his son was made to read this material by the school. But he was certainly not ‘disorderly’.
Sieg heil!!
shame on you all to sit there and take this c**p . not one person stood up and said a word to stick up for this father . cat got you Tongue speak now or your going to lose your rights as a parent .
Check this out!! Keep your eyes vigilant!!!
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I agree the only anything in this country is to be changed is for us all to unite.
pick me for jury duty!
Oh heck no. This is just ridiculous
things will transition from a police state to a communist state or worse yet a dictatorship very rapidly given the apathy of most Americans.
Time to clean house people
fire the school board this is intimadation to keep the peoples mouth shut, wate up sheep for this is going to be your life. stop voteing school levels . stand at the poles and show people what there young childern are learning,vote them out
get read of them