If this isn’t a sign of the times…a parent, William Baer, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct when he spoke out of turn at a school meeting May 6 this year. He filed a motion to have the 3 misdemeanor he’s facing for ‘disorderly conduct’ dismissed.
It happened at Gilford High School in Gilford, New Hampshire when Baer objected to a book that contains very explicit sexual content between teenagers, the man was obviously upset that his son was made to read this material by the school. But he was certainly not ‘disorderly’.
$#%&!@*in cops
I hope he sues!!!
AMERICA HAD BETTER GET IT TOGETHER….NOW! Or our country is down the tube. “Don’t say you werre ont warned”.
What have we the people allowed to happen to our constitutional rights? Welcome to obama ‘rule. Wake up America before we lose all our rights, and began to live under Islamic law. Impeach obama! Then vote all his cronies out of office ………COOP
We do not have free speech anymore!
congress do your job and in peach obama
This is disgusting!!! He was at a meeting, of parents, concerned parents! What happened to our “freedom of speech”!!! Arrested…………..,excuse me!!!
Oh U Big Bad Ass Commie COP!!
quite disturbing