If this isn’t a sign of the times…a parent, William Baer, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct when he spoke out of turn at a school meeting May 6 this year. He filed a motion to have the 3 misdemeanor he’s facing for ‘disorderly conduct’ dismissed.
It happened at Gilford High School in Gilford, New Hampshire when Baer objected to a book that contains very explicit sexual content between teenagers, the man was obviously upset that his son was made to read this material by the school. But he was certainly not ‘disorderly’.
What happens, when government controls your education of our children…
Wrong. That is B.S.
Let’s all call the police chief , and see what the law is on that matter , he could just escorted him out , but no . They have to make an example out of this guy. People are getting tired of this $#%&!@*. Can this guy sue them , that will get their attention , we pay the police and all government agencies , they work for us not the other way around.
What do you expect from the liberal east?
What’s even more distressing is that not one other parent defended him. If there would have been several other people standing up for the father, the school board and the cop would have been pressured to back off. Numbers count.
What law did he violate?
Unbelievably sad ! The whole school board should be ASHAMED !!! Personally, I’d pull my kid from the school, then file a complaint indicating the school is handing out pornographic information ( books ) to the student body !