An attack too brutal, that the Philly police will not release the surveillance footage, took place outside Geno’s Steakhouse. Five men beat a patron, Patrick Kane, and his friends, on June 11, threatening, “Don’t mess with us, we belong to ISIS”.
The group had stopped by Geno’s for a bite at the famous restaurant, after attending a wedding. Just finishing their cheese steaks, the Brooke Kane’s friend asked a group of men if she could bum a cigarette off of them, and all hell broke lose.
Immediately, one man stood up and assaulted the woman, putting his hand over her face and shoving her across the sidewalk.
Read the rest of the story on the following page and view the video.
hunt them down and kill them
Your asses belong to the prison system if I catch up to you filthy bastards.
“And then RAN off “. Typical ragheads, sucker punch, hit from behind, outnumber, and run. Those boys should have been armed, but then, it’s Philly, liberal east coast city.
Evil at work
Find them and kill them. Show them no mercy. Scumbags, time to cleanse this nation.
Good that makes them enemy soldiers, kill them all, no trial just shoot them.
this is what we have to look forward, alot more of this if obam and hillary have their way.
The video was removed again
Put those 10 rounds in a gun magazine.
they are his sons