The nation has barely had any time to recover from the shock of the mass shooting in Orlando this past weekend, but already another instance of bloodshed has occurred in Texas.
The town of Amarillo was rocked by a hostage situation at a local Wal-Mart that culminated in armed police exchanging fire with the perpetrator. The suspect, identified as one Mohammad Moghaddam, was a Somalian immigrant and worked at the retail store.
Details remain scarce about the incident, but it is known that Moghaddam had a dispute of some sort with a manager. To that end, he took the manager as well as another individual hostage and held them before law enforcement arrived on the scene, upon which he released one hostage.
He apparently refused, however, to surrender his other captive to the police, prompting them to open fire and kill him. Thankfully, no one else was hurt during the siege.
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I believe that area of earth is controlled by Boca Harom. They just rape little girls and commit genocide… No biggie.
My curiosity I would ask everyone is what the hell just happened in the POLLS?
CLINTON has just taken a 12% lead over Trump! As of 10:30pm, EST.
that is a pretty dramatic jump I’d say!
I’ve never believed that elections are actually elections… But this is really kinda verifying that. I figured in the beginning that Hillary Clinton would be appointed president by the current regime (administration as they call it).
Listen, they want to take away our guns!
Some people are clueless about things and I don’t know how to get it across… What is about to happen!
I know Hollywood is a movie Maker, but man… They nailed it with the new release this month, “Armageddon”!
Nailed it!
Ever notice or wonder why, that during Obama’s presidency we have seen the highest incidence of mass shootings and the lowest number of murders since 1969? Reference Reagon:11, Bush Sr:12, *Clinton:23, Bush Jr:16, *Obama:173 and counting…. * Notice
These incidents have increased more than seven-fold under his Presidency (2009-2103) when compared to years prior. From 2000-2008, this country averaged about 8.4 mass shootings per year. Under Obama’s watch, we have 23.6 incidents annually. A three-fold increase.
It’s amazing how many shootings just happened when a very similar training exercise was taking place nearby at the same time. And there is never a suspect that survives long enough to be questioned… Every high profile shooting has this similarity.
Google: police training+mass shootings.
Then read the following….
There is something very ugly and menacing brewing on the horizon. For many decades, humanity was hoping and praying that it would not come to that. The Western psychopathic powers that be, however, are purposefully and intentionally steering humankind towards exactly that dreaded event: That insanity, must be stopped immediately before we reach a point of no return behind which only death and destruction awaits.
Then ask yourself the following…..Cui Bono?
Now you have a choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill).
His name was mohammed, so that tells the tale.
This is under the Obama administration. Violence, unemployment, disregard for the police, divisive of colors, national debt, weak military, terror acts and he has over 50% approval rating. What is wrong with people? What does Obama have over Congress for them to turn the other cheek??
So, this is the republicans fault?????
gee, more work place violence, just like Ft. Hood!
Obama recently landed several hundred muslims in peaceful Amarillo, Texas. Conspiracy theory, indeed?