There was no note left behind by David Crowley in which investigators say they wish they had found after discovering David dead alongside the bodies of his wife Komel Crowley, and five-year-old daughter Rayina with bullets to their head.
Police could not discover how long David was alive after he allegedly murdered his wife and daughter, but Twincities reports that the police did find an assortment of items pointing to an odd and dark disturbance in the house.
Each died of a single gunshot wound to the head around Dec. 26, 2014, and the medical examiner’s office did not find marks or injuries on the bodies suggesting physical struggle before their deaths.
n the living room where their bodies lay, Crowley scrawled on a wall in his wife’s blood the Arabic phrase, “Allahu Akbar,” meaning “God is greatest.”
Investigators believe the words were Crowley’s “last little shot by him, a sarcastic thing aimed at (Komel’s) Muslim past,” Rechtzigel said.
Komel Crowley was raised Muslim in Pakistan and converted to Christianity when she married David Crowley; they met while he was stationed in the Army in Texas in 2008.
In the kitchen, investigators found a MacBook laptop running and plugged into a wall socket. When the crime scene team swabbed the keyboard for a DNA sample, the computer “woke up” from sleep mode and showed a message in a TextEdit window. It read: “I have loved you all with all of my heart.”
Bloody footprints from Crowley’s bare feet were on the kitchen floor.
In a home office was a spiral-bound notebook open to a page with dried blood on it and the handwritten words, “open ‘The Rise’ ” and “most recent version.”
Crowley had been working on a 2 1/2-hour documentary called “The Rise,” which he described in an email to a prospective California producer in mid-December 2014 as “a manifesto on the Gray State model.”
Crowley’s feature film project was called “Gray State,” with a storyline that revolved around a police state, martial law crackdown and social breakdown.
Written at the bottom of the notebook page were the words, “Submit to Allah NOW.”
On the living room floor, near the three bodies, was a blood-smeared Quran open to a page with a Muslim forgiveness prayer for the dead.
The bodies were badly decomposed and had been ravaged by the family dog, which police found alive.
In a country where one Tweet, or Facebook post of anti-Government remarks can lead to jail-time, many theories have arisen due to Komel Crowley’s Muslim past, and the manner the evidence was directed towards it.
Did David Crowley really murder his family in the name of Allah? Or, was the entire “Allahu Akbar” scribblings a misguided addition to a murder by the state.
Although David had encountered many financial issues, and his wife was left to provide for the family, there was nothing left behind by David concerning his mental state — no indication at all for anyone to have foreseen this gruesome murder.
Rarely does one hear of a ‘man on a mission’ killing himself and his family.
Police released this photo of a spiral notebook found in an office in the Crowley home, open to a page with dried blood on it and the handwritten words, “Submit to Allah NOW.” Photo courtesy of the Apple Valley Police Department.
and they keep letting more come in….sad
They didn’t like it.
That doesn’t make any sense
be ready to fight back at all times they catch you when your not looking
If any of you actually believe the police report, welcome yourself to the club of sheep