Police Police Chief Fired After Commenting On Black Lives Matter

The town of Surf City claimed that Halstead’s Facebook post violated the city’s social media policy for employees of the police department. That policy says that employees may not “express themselves as private citizens on social media sites” in any way that might “negatively affect the public perception of the department.” Set aside the vague ambiguities of “negatively affecting the public perception of the department” — which could mean that an employee is in violation just because someone doesn’t like something he posted.

Surf City Town Manager Larry Bergman spoke with Chief Halstead before any action was taken. Bergman pointed out to Halstead “that as public employees we are often held to higher level of scrutiny and that even if it is a personal social media account and despite not associating himself directly to the Town in his posting, that some will draw the connection.” Halstead apologized and removed the post. That was apparently not enough to settle the offense. In the following days, the mayor called an emergency meeting and Halstead was given the choice: Retire or be fired.

Source: The New American

Many citizens in the small town of Surf City offered support for Halstead. There have been protests and rallies — but no rioting or looting. Halstead has received the same type of moral support from all over the country. He’ll probably become police chief somewhere else every very soon…Surf City’s loss.

Notice to Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists: Come to Surf City, North Carolina! You can loot, riot and destroy anything you like. The mayor, city council and the President of the United States all support your fine efforts. You’ll be hailed as heroes and the police won’t bother you.




  1. NJLiberal
  2. WildBill2020

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