Graphic police video has surfaced from West Jordan, Utah that shows a man being brutally mauled by a K-9 as he sits on his couch with his hands in the air.
To top if off, police entered the man’s home based on a call from a neighbor that reported him as an arsonist because he was burning a Christmas tree in a metal barrel in his back yard.
What a bunch of cowards cop, I would love to see my dog chew on one of their faces
Not good
Kill a criminal and we are all better off
I would have shot them both dead upon entering my house without a warrant . These particular thugs, gang members,are working elements of the criminal government . Imagine of this guy would have attempted to get thd dog off his face. They would have shot him dead . These pigs give good cops a bad rap.
A federalize police force will make this look like a slap on the wrist.
Looks to me like he went from living in a trailer to living in a mansion and set for the rest of his life in seconds.
Hopefully this guy walks away with A LOT OF MONEY. The cop put his life in danger.. for what? Six inches lower and it would have been a death sentence as he would have bled out right there on his couch. And these pigs LAUGHED ABOUT IT? Wow.. REALLY bad training on this dog who has been trained for the FACE. That dog should be off the force.. euthanized as too dangerous to be in public for any reason.. and mostly because his training has been truly sh!t!! We train K9s in Miami and this cop needs to lose his position handling a dog. First of all he sent a dog into a house where the man earlier had been seen with a knife. Obviously the cop considered his dog cannon fodder. After all, it only cost $10,000 for another, even one so badly trained as this one.
Total excessive force letting him chew on the guy while putting cuffs on thats c**p
Still thats beyond excessive force.
So what you act like the cop will be punished or something.