Graphic police video has surfaced from West Jordan, Utah that shows a man being brutally mauled by a K-9 as he sits on his couch with his hands in the air.
To top if off, police entered the man’s home based on a call from a neighbor that reported him as an arsonist because he was burning a Christmas tree in a metal barrel in his back yard.
he has handcuffs on one what happened b4 they came in
What if there had been a child in the house? Cop did not know. Dog could have killed child quickly. Looked crazy irresposible to me.
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Oh yeah, and dogs are trained to bite legs and arms, not faces
This is insane
The Republican way….
Let me giess. The dog is a racist, right?
Not a well trained police dog ! Sue there $#%&!@*es that is horrible !
Why was the K-9 there in the first place? Why was the dog released to run into the house? All of this from a neighbors phone call? Whatever happened to knocking on the door & asking questions?
It was also very clear and orderly that they aloud the dog to continue to bite him, while 4 of them had him face down on the floor cuffing him, and he was already clearly injured! TOTALLY UN-NESSESSARY! Anita Murphy