Graphic police video has surfaced from West Jordan, Utah that shows a man being brutally mauled by a K-9 as he sits on his couch with his hands in the air.
To top if off, police entered the man’s home based on a call from a neighbor that reported him as an arsonist because he was burning a Christmas tree in a metal barrel in his back yard.
The cop needs to get fired and the city he works for needs to be sued big time
That officer did not have control of his dog, but the dumb guy should have gotten up with hands clear like the officer said, THE FIRST TWO TIMES.
hands up, dont bite?
Hm. Guess the dog is racist towards white people. You know, since racism is apparently all it comes down to now days when anything happens with police.
Phil you must be a policeman if you think that was justified
$#%&!@* anybody who says anything different from this being police brutality and an out of control dog. The officers should have the decency to admit that this guy did not deserve to be treated like this. $#%&!@* orders, it comes down to being human at this point!!
Which s$#%&!@*bags? The man that lived there are the cops?
The officer told the dog platz, which is German command to sit. The k9 did not listen! The officer should have not sent the animal. The animal did not seem very bright from the start
A nice cold bowl of antifreeze should make that K9 a good dog.
That neighbor would also want to be moved out by the time I got home.