Graphic police video has surfaced from West Jordan, Utah that shows a man being brutally mauled by a K-9 as he sits on his couch with his hands in the air.
To top if off, police entered the man’s home based on a call from a neighbor that reported him as an arsonist because he was burning a Christmas tree in a metal barrel in his back yard.
All this for burning a frigging Christmas tree ? And how about that good comrade citizen neighbor who turned the guy in. People don’t need neighbors like that.
Has anyone considered the fact that the person who was savaged by the dog failed to respond to a direct order from a police officer? K(, Alsatian Shepards do not attack unless ordered to do so What did the video who in the minutes before the mauling? Then accusations and suggestions might be more germane.
I would have killed that dog
And dont forget he was saying don’t shoot. Just like mike brown.
This makes me extremely happy that these thug coward pieces of living dog $#%&!@* are being shot all over the country
Kill that dog !!!!
Probably should have stood up slowly like the cop told him
The cop said hands up stand up. The perp did not comply. The officer had no idea what would happen if he stepped further into the room. You people are all $#%&!@*holes. Do what the police say to the tee or suffer the conscience. They go by a set of rules and if you don’t follow them than $#%&!@* you.
Cops need a bullet in the head
Suck a $#%&!@* Roy. By the looks of your job delivering the $#%&!@*iest pizza in the world or working at Walmart your not very bright.