Graphic police video has surfaced from West Jordan, Utah that shows a man being brutally mauled by a K-9 as he sits on his couch with his hands in the air.
To top if off, police entered the man’s home based on a call from a neighbor that reported him as an arsonist because he was burning a Christmas tree in a metal barrel in his back yard.
There had to be a reason
and Al Sharpton is calling for the DOJ to take away states right and let the gov. control the police. Does Jade Helm make more sense?
That cop needs to go to prison. The guy had his hands up
Hey take that back, he,s white! DAMN RACIST DOG! !!
The government gets away with what they doing because the people sitting around belly aching about the problem instead of actually DOING something about the problems..either stand and take action or get back on the porch with all the other mindless wimps.
Usually those dogs do what they are commanded to do – they are supposed to be well trained
Good grief!
Waste the dog