Police Interrogate California Gun Instructor Over Inquiring About Ammo

This incident raises questions about the risk posed to gun owners by a potential crackdown from the government. Indeed, with calls from the left to keep innocent people who get on the wrong side of the feds and end up on the no-fly list from acquiring firearms, it is all the more urgent for law-abiding gun owners like Sangha to stand up for their rights.

“‘I don’t know if it’s [because of] my skin color or the way I look. I’m Sikh, I’m Indian, I was born and raised in America. I’m a citizen here,’ Sangha told NBC Bay Area. ‘I’m not a Muslim, but even if I were, that’s no reason to call police to my home, instantly.’

Police defended their visit to Sangha’s house, arguing they needed to follow up on tips following the San Bernardino terror attacks earlier this month.

‘I feel like I was racially profiled,’ she said. ‘I’ve had friends buy bulk ammo and they’ve never had police show up at their door.’

Dick’s Sporting Goods did not respond to NBC Bay Area’s request for comment.”

Source: Infowars



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