Fascists, dictators and frauds are anxious to control the public narrative because it can expose them for what they truly are. Although it is said that truth is an absolute defense, that is no longer true in many countries because the bullying elites and government tyrants are determined to stifle speech, even if it is true.
This is why in the old Soviet Union one of the great crimes was the possession of a radio to receive the Voice of America. Soviet citizens would huddle in their dank flats and tune in to hear something other than the official party line of nonsense, and it truly was dangerous for the people to hear the truth, because it caused them to be dissatisfied with the status quo and to question the official party line.
There is a new type of speech censorship, and it has gained hold in many countries. The purpose is the same, to hide the truth and prohibit the people from questioning what the party elites are forcing upon the citizenry. Forced, politically correct speech has no place in a free society, and politicians who promote and enforce PC speech should be thrown out of office for the fraud and the suppression that they are subjecting people to.
It is true that some speech is offensive or hurts people’s feelings, but the goal of making sure no one’s feelings are hurt by censoring speech vs allowing people free expression should surely not be a difficult choice at all. And yet it seems that in some countries elites are sending police in to ransack citizens homes and apartments because of perceived offensive speech. It should be cause for burning down city hall.
Police raid apartments for speech violations, page 2:
Coming soon? I guess perhaps you’ve missed the posts about people in the states being arrested for anti-Obama posts on social media…
Political correctness on display.
Hussein is pushing for this now
Good. Traitors should be in prison…or deported.
Not surprisingly ,knowing Merkel was a party member in the former ddr . Just going back to her roots
Germany is the KGB &$#%&!@*Devils who are still pissed off America bomb their country and then threw their executives in jail!
So trust Germany U.S. Pharmaceutical Leaders if you want! There’s those American citizens who have and will uncover their hidden agenda’s they are doing in U.S.
It is difficult to believe that in 70 years since WWII that the Germans are back at it. Didn’t Europe learn anything from that war. Not to mention that the entire EU HAS laid down for mass migration that is destroying Western civilization
And obviously no one has the right to free speech in Germany. What next, book burning?
And a lot of people of West Germany, want the wall back up, and higher. But yeah, Merkel was a big Honecker follower. And looks like she does everything, to make things worse, now with all the Refugees, she allowed in, and told the People, we can do this. I would have asked her if she was French, or had a mouse in her pocket.
Germany has had problems like that for a long time, and it started when the government brought people from Turkey over, due to the Strikes, and now there are so many of them, and they are sick of it. So you have radicals, that are stupid and start$#%&!@* just like here in America, when I see Americans wearing the SS-Uniform and armband with the$#%&!@*on it, what kind of American would do that, walking around like$#%&!@*s hoodlums scum was.