The idea of political correctness is absurd at the best of times, but every once in a while it crosses a new line that makes you wonder exactly what’s wrong with the world. We’ve officially reached the point where being politically correct is now preventing police from doing their jobs. Not only are they afraid of being perceived racist, but they’re being monitored threw new body cameras. Gasoline meet fire.
A video has spread around the Internet, going viral shortly after being uploaded. The video reports that police officers found a baby locked in a car in Southern Texas. But it doesn’t stop there. The police didn’t arrest them because they were from Saudi Arabia. After confronting the parents, they revealed that in Saudi Arabia it’s considered ‘culturally acceptable’ to leave children in cars, which is horrible.
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Makes no difference. We live in America! We DO NOT have two sets of laws.
If your a fundamentalist Christian and you don’t get necessary medical care for your child you are subject to arrest !!! So WHAT’S the difference ??????? When in America you NEED to abide by OUR laws !!!!!!
Should not be.
This is not Saudi Arabia. We have laws against that here and if you don’t obey them suffer the consequences. This is the united States.
We cannot have two sets of laws in America. We either have the Constitution or Sharia Law, and the Constitution is the Supreme Law of this land. Those people, like everyone else, have to leave their homeland’s laws behind when they set feet onto American soil, just as we would not be able to use the Constitutional Laws if we went to Saudi Arabia, they should not be allowed to use their laws in America. The police are out of their minds to allow some people to break our laws, but if Americans broke their own laws they’d go to jail or prison. I call BS and I hope the Trump Administration does something about this.
Law here are laws to be upheld !! If you don’t know the culture you should NOT be here !! If one gets away then the rest put the limits !! Simple break the law of the land to bad !! Ignorance is NOT viable excuse !! Punishment IS necessary or learning NEVER HAPPENS !!
One law for all in America. You disobey our law, get prosecuted, just like everyone else.
This is America……
Trump! Help!
Where are they in Saudi Arabia!! You FukN ahole
Look after the children. Then they will realize how sick their families are