While other governments are forcing their countires to accept Syrian refugees that contribute little and demand much, Poland’s new government has a different idea. They want the Syrian’s to fight back for the country from which they fled.
The statement comes from Witold Waszczykowski, the Minister-designate of Foreign Affairs. He wants to form an army of Syrian refugees and let them lead the fight against ISIS themselves, rather than leave it to western armies while they enjoy the benefits of free income, housing, and transportation.
Its interesting, and no doubt telling, that Syrian refugees are more than willing to sit around and do nothing for Syria. They likely don’t care about their homeland, and instead are taking advantage of their newfound ability to infiltrate other, more prosperous nations. There they can wreck havoc on their new communities while being far from the mess they created back at home.
See Waszczykowski’s statement on the next page:
They won’t go back and fight to possibly die. That’s why they ran to begin with. The majority of the refugees are young men who should take pride in protecting and fighting for their homerland. Buy they are waging their own type of warfare in other countries by trying to turn those places into another like they “fled” from.
Yes they should but that is their master plan to get the feet into every country and then start fighting and pushing their religion and liberals will sit back and let them do it.
Very good reply there! They don’t care if they are in their country, however, because the goal of Islam is to take the entire world over and kill everyone who doesn’t believe in Islam, for a world Caliphate. It has always been the goal for over 1000 years.
hey we agree
I’m with him!!!
They were heinously bombed by own govt, the Syrian Christians (10 million) have been genocidally beheaded in German refugee camps.. Spiegel news says want em all out, find other countries so like Castro dumping murderers n rapist jihadist n sharia law enforcers they seek to shove onto our own Muslim president these jihadists..busy “O” and his destroy Amerika from the inside n economically with Hillary Soros Kerry m corrupt FDA heads some in new Rico trials Dist Ct DC bleeding gold to their pockets thru big pharm Opecs deal with China she bill had part in, just follow money trail n blood trail of deadly chems with mental labels on all when its cause these deadly chems on our troops n vets, active n their dependents at taxpayer expense.. Label kids mental for behavior issues not a disease , not tests prove organic disease, all opinion and behavior opinion.. Lose name rep rights to buy guns ( last step in communist coup) round up guns, lose career refs family kids on toxic meds for stress or ADHD, another bogus disease, riyal ins like cocaine, big surprise grow up pill addicted, most benzo’s cause depression suicide violent outbursts heart faile strike cancer to perm nerve disease n perm diabetes among others, mil suicides n mass shooting at all time high with pentagon spending more on “mental health” than missles Blackhawks, arms etc all year!!!tjis corrupt Hillary wants to squeeze Israel into a false peace treaty for seven years with UZB, US, Vatican who wants Palestinian philistine Bedouin state out of Israel land promised by God to Isaacs seed not ishmaels Illigitimate son of Abrahams housemaid, God gave them oil n gold n princes n kings but violent n NOT the LAND promised to Isaacs seed much larger than Israel today.. Greedy ishmaelites/ Muslims, Arabians, nomads n bedoins, none of whom truly desired it until they saw the Jews fertilize n bloom like a rose!! Greed is SOOO low class, coveting what belongs to others… Distasteful n criminal when thieves, conned, defrauded and plotted the thefts of our country’s treasuries, trust funds, etc
Correct – those filthy parador cowards have to prove their worth
Send them back if they will not fight for there own country. They need to fight to keep there own country.