While other governments are forcing their countires to accept Syrian refugees that contribute little and demand much, Poland’s new government has a different idea. They want the Syrian’s to fight back for the country from which they fled.
The statement comes from Witold Waszczykowski, the Minister-designate of Foreign Affairs. He wants to form an army of Syrian refugees and let them lead the fight against ISIS themselves, rather than leave it to western armies while they enjoy the benefits of free income, housing, and transportation.
Its interesting, and no doubt telling, that Syrian refugees are more than willing to sit around and do nothing for Syria. They likely don’t care about their homeland, and instead are taking advantage of their newfound ability to infiltrate other, more prosperous nations. There they can wreck havoc on their new communities while being far from the mess they created back at home.
See Waszczykowski’s statement on the next page:
Eddie Wonkotdeenon We don’t think he is the answer to ALL our problems. He is good answer to a lot of them, including this one.
Finally, someone who makes sense.
I agree 100% , send them all back to their own country and have them fight for their country. SEND THEM BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Totally agree – the same should have been applied LONG AGO to all the M/E refugees, who are mainly young healthy strong looking men – stay and fight. Instead they seek refuge in USA, UK, Canada & OZ and have the cheek to openly say they hate us, say WE (USA in particular) ARE KILLING THEIR WOMEN & CHILDREN! when they kill their own – man, woman or child. Their OWN Middle Eastern OIL RICH countries refuse them entry!!!
I have been saying that all along. Why should these healthy Syrian males come to all these countries while our young males are over there fighting. Put a uniform on these refugees and have them fight for their own effing country, instead of coming here mooching off the american people.
not refugee traiters we bring charges and prison obama give our land money jobs
Yes need to fight for the country they wave a flag for go back to your country
yes, this is 100% correct.
Amen to that,send them back