While other governments are forcing their countires to accept Syrian refugees that contribute little and demand much, Poland’s new government has a different idea. They want the Syrian’s to fight back for the country from which they fled.
The statement comes from Witold Waszczykowski, the Minister-designate of Foreign Affairs. He wants to form an army of Syrian refugees and let them lead the fight against ISIS themselves, rather than leave it to western armies while they enjoy the benefits of free income, housing, and transportation.
Its interesting, and no doubt telling, that Syrian refugees are more than willing to sit around and do nothing for Syria. They likely don’t care about their homeland, and instead are taking advantage of their newfound ability to infiltrate other, more prosperous nations. There they can wreck havoc on their new communities while being far from the mess they created back at home.
See Waszczykowski’s statement on the next page:
He is so right, they must fight for their own country, other people should not have to die for their country, when they don’t even want to help out for their selves
He is 100% right, Why should our young men die; when the Syrian men abandon their homeland.
This is a sound idea.
Yes, that is what I have been saying!!!!
They are out the wreak havoc on the world.
Most of those Christian Surians seek to return to Syrias war zone for millions of them are being murdered in Germany’s camps by Muslims with no arrests.. Murders rapes n torture so awful they’d rather go back to face bombs missles and guns.. The Muslims there doing it, the killers be heading raping etc are the extremists Hillary Pres O George Soros et al seek to let in here so they can do it to our women and young children….. It’s s con, treason, a trap…
High 5 for Poland.
We taxpayer American citizens paid into government hundreds of thousands over 40-50 years of paycheck extractions, half my check amounts to soc sec n Medicare and these “untouchable” retirement/ disability trust funds were stolen by Presidents last few decades, Medicare fraud by govt n outright theft has it hanging by thread broke, same with soc sec ..not one refugee paid into US Govt a red cent!!! Why should we import bums and foreign takers who live by different laws, have no decency nor respect by our Judeo-Christian based legal system not for American women nor children, not even their own wives or daughters, many are violent murderers not arrested.. Over 25 million Christians since Jan 2016 murdered and raped by Muslim thugs drunk n killing spree.. Germany etal seeks to dump these criminal genocidal scum into our population at taxpayer expense which I reject more than words.. Our treasonous leaders n crim cohorts are low class organized crime.. Racketeers of the communist and national socialist $#%&!@* sort..How corrupt is our justice dept and Congress to sit on @sses n do nothing to stop these criminals from entering US for citizenship n benefits while ignorant impotent Amerika sleeps‼️
Go Poland!