Russia’s president Vladimir Putin is determined to reconstruct what he considers the be the glory of the former Soviet Union, and so he has tipped his hand in several ways. He has taken parts of the Crimea, and his claim that parts of Ukrain are rightly Russian territory of Russia due to large Russian populations within certain Ukrainian areas were excuses to annex parts of the country. He is also venturing into the Middle East, though truly his desire is for European territory and pathways to the Baltic and Black Seas and easy transport of Russian natural gas to world markets.
Poland is a major prize, but the Polish still remember the suffering and servitude under the former Soviet Union, and they are determined to not let that happen again. To that end they are relying on NATO and also preparing internally to reject Russian efforts to carve out pieces of their country, and to put in to place internal military and paramilitary groups that can fend off Russian aggression and “infiltration,” at least until NATO support can arrive to help.
Paramilitary groups are to be formed in Poland to enhance its military capabilities as part of the preparations for a possible ‘hybrid war’ with Russia, the Defense Ministry said.
“The territorial defense force is our response to the threat associated with hybrid warfare,” said Polish Defense Ministry official Grzegorz Kwasniak, who is responsible for the creation of the new paramilitary group.
The new force will comprise 35,000 civilian volunteers that will undergo military training. Each Polish province will then receive one brigade of the territorial defense force, consisting of volunteer battalions, with the biggest and most populous Mazovia province getting two brigades.
The eastern Polish provinces of Podlachia, Lublin and Podkarpachie will have priority in deployment of the paramilitary units as they are deemed to be most exposed to the perceived Russian aggression.
“Enrollment of the first members of the territorial defense force will start in September,” Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz said on Thursday at a conference of paramilitary organizations in the northern Polish town of Ostroda, AFP reports. He also said the group’s command structure and senior appointments had already been decided in April, as reported by the Polish PAP news agency.
The personnel of the newly formed paramilitary units will receive a monthly payment amounting to 500 zlotys (€125), according to dpa.
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An article to promote fear and mistrust between neighbors. Promoting glory days of USSR- words of stupid for stupid. The same source would suggest the benevolence of western democracy. #ImNotWithStupid
You sir are a foolhearted MORON!
Russia cant take on NATO. They can try though and thats worrisome.
Cesar Cisneros for president of The United States of America…2016. ………After the findings of the report, I knew It, I was right all this time. .Many could have died if it wasn’t for the Navy SEALS. They were refused airpower they told them to stand down. It was an election year so Hillary Clinton and the president blame the attack on a video.It was a planned attacked.Hillary Clinton and the president didn’t want to make a big deal out of it because it was A real terrorist attack on our people at the compound. And that attack was a big negative on the presidents election on September,11,2012. And this is the point had Hillary Clinton and the president and the media focused to much on that attack the American people would’ve lost interest on the election and the president would’ve lost the election and Mit Romney would’ve won the election and became president. And by Mit Romney becoming president Hillary Clinton would’ve have to wait 8 years to have a chance at the presidency. So Hillary Clinton and the president put their political ambitions first seeking for power and wealth rather than rescuing the lives of our true hero Americans leaving them to die at Benghazi. Not one American should be left to die anywhere.we go and rescue and save them from death it doesn’t matter what part of the world they happen to be. When I’m president we will go save our people where ever they are in the earth…..Hillary Clinton could’ve saved Them. Instead,Hillary Clinton left them to Die for her own ambitions…………My fellow Americans Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president of The United States and president Obama is not fit to president either. My fellow Americans please vote for me . You will need to write my name in the ballot box in all 50 States where write ins are accepted. and please go to my website and donate to my campaign thanks. Or you can Mail your campaign contributions to P.O.Box 52920.Mesa,Az 85208.Thank you may God bless you and may God bless The United States of America. Let Freedom Ring.
Dammit. I am going to have to watch Rocky 4 and remind myself we are tough (or use to be)
How Ironic, people choose a totalitarian dictator over a president whose terms are up.
You guys are so blind by hate it’s almost amazing.
Jake Candelaria negative, the problem is that history is fucked up and written by the victor (winner)
Poland had enough in WW2!!
Imagine Russia doing what US is doing in Mexico. War will be very different with a nuclear power.
Exactly. People forget (or never learned) that the poles saved Europe on September 11th 1683 at the battle of Vienna.