Someone really ought to set up a “Clinton Hall of Crime,” or “Clinton Hall of Depravity” as a permanent reminder of the depths to which people can go in their quest for power, and as a warning to future generations. Of course, more folks than just Bill and Hillary would need to be included. Anthony Wiener, Huma Abedin, Jeffrey Epstein, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, and many more than we care to mention would be great candidates for inclusion.
Right now, the focus is on John Podesta, and a peculiar activity called “Spirit Cooking.” The video is put here with the notice that it is revolting — so readers have been warned.
There’s a strange thing going on in the trending section of Twitter, whereby #SpiritCooking is currently trending on Friday, November 4. It all stems from a Podesta WikiLeaks email about a dinner date, sent from Marina Abramovic to Tony Podesta on June 28, 2015. It wasn’t any ordinary dinner but a “Spirit Dinner,” which has folks all up in arms, describing all sorts of heinous things about specific #SpiritCooking recipes a “Spirit Dinner” could contain. Those “Spirit Dinner” ingredients aren’t something you’d want to read whilst eating your morning bacon and drinking your cup of Starbucks Blonde Roast.
Continuing to explore this Podesta email:
The email was forwarded to John, asking if he’d be in New York City on July 9 for Marina’s “Spirit Dinner.”
“Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina.”
According to the New York Times, Abramovic is a performance artist, and Marina’s “Spirit Dinner” usually involves offbeat kinds of recipes that are a mystery to her dinner guests.
While some “Spirit Dinner” entrees might seem pleasing, the ingredients included in this event to which Podesta is alleged to have been invited aren’t.
However, the strange thing that is happening regarding this email is that the “Spirit Dinner” invitation from the Podesta WikiLeaks email has been linked to weird rhetoric about recipes containing semen, blood, urine, and all sorts of witch-related, Satanic, and cult-like references to Hillary Clinton.
Sick stuff, huh? Looking for the “perfect” gift for a friend?
There’s already Women’s Hillary Clinton Spirit Cooking Cult Satan Podesta T-Shirts by the “Hillary Clinton Spirit Cooking Cult” listed on Amazon for $19.99 as of this writing.
According to We Are Change, Marina’s art performances, like the “Spirit Cooking” ritual, are often disturbing.
“Disturbing” isn’t the half of it. Disgusting, depraved, demented, and a whole lot of other words denoting condemnation fit.
This is one guest list you never want to be on.
Source: The Inquisitr
How corrupt can they get
What is the value John podesta’s opinion on things seem like he was one of the more honest individuals and the leftist side obviously now he is gone completely off the rails obviously intellectually dishonest. If Hillary hadn’t used the private server which this has been about forever now maybe things would have been a little bit more secure and things wouldn’t have gotten out this is all Hillary Clinton’s fault all John podesta is fault not the Kremlin. How stupid are they if the Kremlin was hacking and releasing anybody could have been hacking and releasing China all over the world Korea who knows where but because she was such a menace to doing her job and a menace at her job we will have to listen to this stupidity about other countries hacking to help Donald Trump win the election when meanwhile her stupidity and her arrogance and her awful attitude is what actually would cost her the election. Her unwillingness to admit that the Obama disaster that we’ve been living through was not a good thing