Please Move Deer Crossing Signs Off Interstates So They Cross Somewhere Else

Please Move Deer Crossing Signs Off Interstates So They Cross Somewhere Else

“Donna the Deer Lady” as she has come to be known, called into a local Fargo radio station in 2012 to complain about the location of deer crossing signs.

After getting into 3 accidents involving deer, she questions why the Dept. of Transportation would be encouraging deer to cross on busy interstates by placing these signs.

“Why are we encouraging deer to cross at the interstate?… It seems to me that it’s so irresponsible of us to allow these deer crossings to be in an area where these deer are so likely to be struck by oncoming traffic,” she asked. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

“The government can direct the deer population anywhere they want to” she said. “All they have to do is move that deer crossing sign.”

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Please Move Deer Crossing Signs Off Interstates So They Cross Somewhere Else