Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi still sits in a Mexican prison after 2 months for making a wrong turn at the border, with the the Obama admin doing nothing, being too busy it seems with releasing terrorists for an alleged deserter.
Tahmooressi described horrible conditions in his first Mexican prison before being moved to a better one, with no water for sustained amounts of time, bleeding from his cuffs, etc.
Greta Van Susteren had to pull this info out of him in the interview.
Not the complaining type it seems. Even though in another statement he described how guards hit him so many times in face he felt his jaw fall out of place and that he has been stripped naked and chained to a bed.
The White House did finally issue a statement Monday:
“Certainly the president is concerned about all detainees or Americans who are being held against their will in other countries,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest stated “This is something the president is certainly concerned about. But in terms of what specific efforts are underway, I’d refer you to the State Department.”
This man served 2 tours in Afghanistan and even saved several fellow soldier’s lives.
But I guess he didn’t do the one thing that would warrant Obama’s attention and help…learn to speak Arabic.
Andrew, if you were a terrorist, you would have been out in five seconds!
Bastard Obama doing nothing to get him out, but gets a Traitor released for 5 top Taliban Criminals !!!! Will Americans ever wake up ????????????
he dn’t have a Taliban to trade, the a.. h….
No they will never wake up as long as we have Black DEMOCRAT Communist in the government, and ass holes that wants to give people everything free. Watch out he will set every criminal free when he leaves office. IMPEACH THE MAD BOY CONGRESS IF YOU HAVE THE SPINE.
Trade Obama and Hillary for him!!!!!!!!!!!
he is there in part to an attitude. One of I dont deserve to be here, I’m a Marine. He tried to escape. That should be the end of drama.
Why isn’t Obama doing something to get Tahmooressi out of Mexico prison????Something needs to be done Obama , get him out of there and bring him home. same with Pastor Saeed in Iran needs released to come home.
u have to be mexican…then u can come back
I have been putting articles up here for weeks..He has been there for months now…W.T.H. WHITE HOUSE??????????
or a GETMO prisoner