Remember a time when children could walk home from school alone without the parents being called negligent? When kids could take a trip to the store alone without the cops being called? These days seem to be waning as more and more harmless activities are being criminalized by the nanny state, which thinks it knows how to parent your kids better than you can.
Just a few months ago parents were investigated for letting their kids walk home from school alone. And now, it’s illegal to let your kid play basketball in the front yard when you’re not home.
Tell those neighbors of your to scratch your backside !!!
CPS,,what a joke there dumb$#%&!@*es cause more problems than they cure! !!! A bunch of holier then thou! !!!!!!!!!
What is this country coming to. Everone should mind their own business.
People need to mind their own business but depending on where you live, a parent must decide where playing outside is safe.
no person would ar even could tell me how to raise my kids there mine. raise your own dam kids and stay the hell away from mine.
$#%&!@*’s at it again
I used to walk home school since I was in I think second grade . I used to play up and down the city block I lived on . All the kids did. We even played hide and go seek half the block we lived on and no one thought any thing of it. I am so sick of this c**p. I have had DCS at my house because some one called anonymously that I wasn’t bathing my kids or feeding them. Of course they found out it was tue but they still drug tested me, yea they can just walk in your house and drug test you . Isn;t that a bit to far because of a phone call that was not even true
look out for one anothr to keep us safe but stop all this usless garbage tha prevents children from being children and not hung up on teck toys and never going out toplay
People need to mind their own business.
People have been doing this garbage for YEARS.