Planned Parenthood has been teaching sex education classes at Acalanes High School in Lafayette, CA that have parents up in arms.
They have been not only promoting promiscuity but are encouraging teenagers to ‘chose their sexual orientation using gingerbread cookies.
The earthquakes will come next.
Oh yes, Jesse. It is beautiful, but they are inevitable. Thanks for extending the thought.
Theres a time and a place for everything— but 13 is abit soon for gender chosing, Just my appinion, Maybe they could teach them calculas while they are at it,
Take your kids out of public schools!
Did the parents not have to sign a release form? I know my parents did when I took sex Ed in school.
But what they dont say the disease teenagers have now ,and there are 40 different kinds now.
Liberals believe pushing their beliefs on your kids as soon as possible is the correct way to go. Please, Please stay out of Texas
this is disgustng
How far are they willing to go to destroy our children.
How is teaching safe sex an attack? You’d rather be called grandpa from your precious grandchild who’s mother is in 9th grade?