Planned Parenthood has been on the losing end of a lot of battles, particularly after the damning videos that surfaced that showed many of their upper echelon of officers who were celebratory about the potential sale of baby parts, with the more whole the “fetal tissue,” the better. Hands and feet were a plus for some unGodly reason. In fact, many of these officers sounded almost like some sort of backward auction where they were bidding back and forth about what was “viable” and what was not.
In the interim, a fight broke out in Congress about the possibility of defunding Planned Parenthood with real Conservatives (all…like…three of them) and the rest of the Leftists and Establishmentariat who had no intentions of doing so. Regardless, Americans were fed up with the Left’s blithe disregard for human life and particularly because they seemed to think that it was a Blue and Red issue, when in reality it was a human issue.
On the following page, you’ll find a shocking story about how the Temple of Satan has decided once again to insinuate itself into Jackass Party politics with an emphasis on trying to destroy even more human life. The Temple of Satan has joined with Planned Parenthood in suing Missouri for the right to kill more babies!
This right here should answer the preacher abortionist that says he’s doing GOD’S work, this should give him his answer
Defund pp
Omg really
Evil every one
Planned parenthood has always been a temple to satan.
Well, who else do you think has been pushing for abortions? And now his followers have a temple to him to obviously show who is god of this world…but then again, he wanted to have all of the power, honor, and glory of THEE GOD. The only thing is he never was nor ever will be. So for his rebellion, he was kicked out of heaven to this earth. So, since he’s denied eternal life and still wants glory et al; he fancies himself god and hates anyone, who has a body and more potential for eternal life that he absolutely can not have ever. So of course he demands death of innocent babies, but to be worshipped at the same time. I’m just saying.
Is it a way to get around selling baby parts… Is it ok if their sacrificed??