The latest video exposing Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted baby parts reveals what can only be described as an act of pure evil: harvesting the brain of a late term aborted fetus while there is life running through it.
The heart is beating in this fully intact fetus and the and the arms and legs are moving.
In this seventh video, licensed phlebotomist Holly O’Donnell reveals horrific details about the relationship between Planned Parenthood and her former employer, StemExpress, and the acts of absolute barbarism that are carried out.
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I hear they put a big needle through the back of the neck angled to the center of the brain and suck out the brain.while the rest of the body is still moving.that’s what I heard horrible things that is happening to these baby’s.
Permission FROM mother NOT consided life just tissue.
If the Bible is pro life, how about these verses?
That’s just sick.
Why are these verses never preached!!??
This is so very disturbing. Something needs to be done to bring this conduct to an immediate stop.
The women are products of their raising. Planned Parenthood will have to survive on their own money.
Also pure lies.
Perhaps you should read your Bible.