The latest video exposing Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted baby parts reveals what can only be described as an act of pure evil: harvesting the brain of a late term aborted fetus while there is life running through it.
The heart is beating in this fully intact fetus and the and the arms and legs are moving.
In this seventh video, licensed phlebotomist Holly O’Donnell reveals horrific details about the relationship between Planned Parenthood and her former employer, StemExpress, and the acts of absolute barbarism that are carried out.
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Just cruel and sick.
for the all having detested one peoples drives out off but within ye no nothings has to been worry all in abouts what so ever gonna been with within all have all freeing to be ever live living leavings on………………….ne*ye…………………….
OMG this literally has me sick to my stomach.
I hope you guys are telling us the truth in showing us this photo of a Fetus. Granted, I don’t know the entire story behind this example you show us. Is it alive and moving? What are it’s chances of survival? Was or is there a doctor present to make a judgment call? I feel we need to clear the air through a comprehensive investigation, find out exactly what is going on with Planned Parenthood. Its value to medicine and chemistry and other humans. In my case I have donated my body & parts to whomever can use them. I hope this group has a moral and ethical comp$#%&!@* and is at peace with their maker in partaking in this business.
Planned parenthood does NOT find abortions… Are you people dense ???
Planned Parenthood does not find abortions!!! They do not kill babies!
Planned Parenthood does not harvest brains… This is not true.
Its SO sad how they snuff OUT ALL these innocent souls.sooooooo sad!!!! 🙁
planned parenthood is in the forefront of murdering minority was founded by a rascist white woman to do that.they are now selling body parts of babies that still have pumping hearts.they suck and our tax dollars schould not pay for what $#%&!@* did.