The latest video exposing Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted baby parts reveals what can only be described as an act of pure evil: harvesting the brain of a late term aborted fetus while there is life running through it.
The heart is beating in this fully intact fetus and the and the arms and legs are moving.
In this seventh video, licensed phlebotomist Holly O’Donnell reveals horrific details about the relationship between Planned Parenthood and her former employer, StemExpress, and the acts of absolute barbarism that are carried out.
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This is probably what $#%&!@* did to the jews! Holocost right here in America Unbelieveable!
I don’t even know if $#%&!@* was this evil. What a great country we have!!
And Liberals yap about rights!
Why don;t these human babies matter?
That baby has a brain while Obama and other libs don;t!
SICK BATCH OF ROBOTS! Cannot be HUMANS! In this field, has to be DERANGED SICKOS!
Kris Vance Also, they are harvesting a vote bank for control and power over the rest of our lives. So-called choice is only approval for murder for the ignorant mindless libs.
There will be a day of reckoning for these murderers.
Planned Parenthood is a bunch of butchers!!!!!!!!!!